Open Caption: Happy Endings

Oh my, I had a feeling this image would bring forth some real gems. Here are the winners from yesterday's contest:

From thescp:
"Okay fine... I'll show you what the producers had to do to the ABC execs to get this show greenlit."

From docspector:
"Wow. For just a minute there, you were the spitting image of Dustin Hoffman."

From Taccado:
This is as close as Amaury Nolasco will ever get to holding a Golden Globe in his hands.

Today's Image: Happy Endings
We've all been there. We've all talked to animals hoping they'll talk back. And lucky for Brad, Max, and Alex, this one might just respond. I'm totally tuning in to find out what this parrot says and to see all the guest-stars in tonight's episode, including Ed Begley Jr., Megan Mullally, and Michael McLean. Post your best caption ideas in the comments!



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